Wednesday, November 19, 2008

lame lame lame

yea dee finally have time for me tonight =))
and we chat so much =))
chat dao lame shit hee

storyboarding -
i dunno what bus to take t collect my prize
so i asked him and he said 260
meaning $2.60 = take cab
and i ask him to go and die

ok here it goes


Qing™ i LOVE my girlfriend says:
ok lo
Qing™ i LOVE my girlfriend says:
nw call me go n die le lo

tinz =) i LOVE my boyfriend super lots C= says:

Qing™ i LOVE my girlfriend says:
3 months = go and die
Qing™ i LOVE my girlfriend says:
6 months = die faster
Qing™ i LOVE my girlfriend says:
9months die leh

tinz =) i LOVE my boyfriend super lots C= says:
1 year no need to live le

Qing™ i LOVE my girlfriend says:
12 months die nw lah !

tinz =) i LOVE my boyfriend super lots C= says:
tinz =) i LOVE my boyfriend super lots C= says:
1 year 3 month
tinz =) i LOVE my boyfriend super lots C= says:

Qing™ i LOVE my girlfriend says:

tinz =) i LOVE my boyfriend super lots C= says:
1 year 6 month = hi XXX i love you
tinz =) i LOVE my boyfriend super lots C= says:
= byebye jq
tinz =) i LOVE my boyfriend super lots C= says:
so our r/s lifespan i give a 1 year 6 month limit
tinz =) i LOVE my boyfriend super lots C= says:
tinz =) i LOVE my boyfriend super lots C= says:
tinz =) i LOVE my boyfriend super lots C= says:
you there

Qing™ i LOVE my girlfriend says:
he not here
Qing™ i LOVE my girlfriend says:
n not there oso

tinz =) i LOVE my boyfriend super lots C= says:
den whrere is he???

Qing™ i LOVE my girlfriend says:
so anyting u just keep itt to urself
Qing™ i LOVE my girlfriend says:
no need to tell him le

tinz =) i LOVE my boyfriend super lots C= says:
can sms him ??

Qing™ i LOVE my girlfriend says:
dun la
Qing™ i LOVE my girlfriend says:
u will waste sms

tinz =) i LOVE my boyfriend super lots C= says:
tinz =) i LOVE my boyfriend super lots C= says:
ok lor

Qing™ i LOVE my girlfriend says:
he not worth u to waste money on him
Qing™ i LOVE my girlfriend says:
Qing™ i LOVE my girlfriend says:
not worth de

tinz =) i LOVE my boyfriend super lots C= bye my love says:
ok lor
tinz =) i LOVE my boyfriend super lots C= bye my love says:
i understand
tinz =) i LOVE my boyfriend super lots C= bye my love says:
erm you are
tinz =) i LOVE my boyfriend super lots C= bye my love says:

Qing™ i LOVE my girlfriend says:
i m loveher
Qing™ i LOVE my girlfriend says:
Qing™ i LOVE my girlfriend says:
call me tt

tinz =) i LOVE my boyfriend super lots C= bye my love says:
tinz =) i LOVE my boyfriend super lots C= bye my love says:
tinz =) i LOVE my boyfriend super lots C= bye my love says:
im lovehimalways
tinz =) i LOVE my boyfriend super lots C= bye my love says:
call me this
tinz =) i LOVE my boyfriend super lots C= bye my love says:
nice to meet you
tinz =) i LOVE my boyfriend super lots C= bye my love says:
tinz =) i LOVE my boyfriend super lots C= bye my love says:
tell you one secret

Qing™ i LOVE my girlfriend says:
or call me lovehersomuch
Qing™ i LOVE my girlfriend says:
Qing™ i LOVE my girlfriend says:
Qing™ i LOVE my girlfriend says:
wat ?

tinz =) i LOVE my boyfriend super lots C= bye my love says:
i love my hubby too much
tinz =) i LOVE my boyfriend super lots C= bye my love says:
to let him go
tinz =) i LOVE my boyfriend super lots C= bye my love says:
and i have alr maked him as my future hubby
tinz =) i LOVE my boyfriend super lots C= bye my love says:
i dun wish to leave him neither do i wan him to leave me
tinz =) i LOVE my boyfriend super lots C= bye my love says:
and i noe we love eachother a lot
tinz =) i LOVE my boyfriend super lots C= bye my love says:
tinz =) i LOVE my boyfriend super lots C= bye my love says:
nothng can stop us
tinz =) i LOVE my boyfriend super lots C= bye my love says:
you noe lovehersomuch

Qing™ i LOVE my girlfriend says:
Qing™ i LOVE my girlfriend says:
i dunnoe
Qing™ i LOVE my girlfriend says:
but u tell me le
Qing™ i LOVE my girlfriend says:
i noe le lo

tinz =) i LOVE my boyfriend super lots C= bye my love says:
and that very fortunate guy is
tinz =) i LOVE my boyfriend super lots C= bye my love says:
thong jia qing

Qing™ i LOVE my girlfriend says:
n tell u something too

tinz =) i LOVE my boyfriend super lots C= bye my love says:
tinz =) i LOVE my boyfriend super lots C= bye my love says:
tinz =) i LOVE my boyfriend super lots C= bye my love says:
i love you
tinz =) i LOVE my boyfriend super lots C= bye my love says:
i dun wanna let you go

Qing™ i LOVE my girlfriend says: =))
Qing™ i LOVE my girlfriend says: =))

tinz =) i LOVE my boyfriend super lots C= bye my love says:
tell me wat lovehersomuch

Qing™ i LOVE my girlfriend says:
lovehersomuch : feel happy for him cos he has e same feeling as lovehimalways
Qing™ i LOVE my girlfriend says:
Qing™ i LOVE my girlfriend says:
he told me tt
tinz =) i LOVE my boyfriend super lots C= bye my love says:
oh man
Qing™ i LOVE my girlfriend says:
lovehimalways have aready use to have loveheralways by his side without her he will feel empty
tinz =) i LOVE my boyfriend super lots C= bye my love says:
oh man
tinz =) i LOVE my boyfriend super lots C= bye my love says:
tinz =) i LOVE my boyfriend super lots C= bye my love says:
so touching
tinz =) i LOVE my boyfriend super lots C= bye my love says:
is the story real lovehersomuch
tinz =) i LOVE my boyfriend super lots C= bye my love says:

Qing™ i LOVE my girlfriend says:
Qing™ i LOVE my girlfriend says:
tis is not a story
Qing™ i LOVE my girlfriend says:
tis is smth freaking REAL
Qing™ i LOVE my girlfriend says:
not story
Qing™ i LOVE my girlfriend says:

Qing™ i LOVE my girlfriend says:
he really cant afford to lose his gf
Qing™ i LOVE my girlfriend says:
he love her more then anyone does
Qing™ i LOVE my girlfriend says:

oh man =)) si sweet de lor hee
i LOVE my boyfriend super duper much =))

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