Sunday, November 30, 2008


guess what ?!

IM FINALLY 18 YEARS OLD !! my god =))))))

and today im celebrating with my hubby
im super excited hee

and im gonna smack deedee de butt =))
coz he lied to me

baby told me he didnt get any present for me
im ok with it as long as baby is celebrating with me =))
den when i reach his house
baby reminded me again theres no present
so i said

let me kick your birdbird 18 times
let me pinch your nehneh 18 times
haha baby say dun lame =(((((

den suddenly baby walked to a corner and bring out a GOLDHEART de paper bag wor ^^

baby actually wanna vring me to flyer de
but after spending so much we can only go for a movie at vivo

but last min changes
baby wanna buy a pant at amk hub
den meet one of his frenz - albert
quite a funny guy haha
loves to act one blind mice when heard some exex de resturaunt =X

after buyinh everything
kindda super late
so i suggested to go SEOUL GARDEN for dinner =))
at CWP

3 ppl 90++
my god
dee was shock haha

table full of food

baby cook de chicken

this is albert

ok baby and frenz were lame
they are full but doesnt wan ppl to see that they waste food
so they "accidentally" drop the food outside
and pretend that they drop

yeahyeah going for ice cream =))

yuck baby look like one monster haha
pls dun smack my butt when you SAW THIS !!!1

haha albert de pose

dee say so gay to take pic together LOL

hee a random pic


i love this pic =)) is does dee
baby thanks so much =))
i love you
i LOVE my boyfriend super duper much =))

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