Sunday, October 5, 2008

went out with may valent and clar =))

but before that go dee house acc him awhile =))
coz next 2 days i will be busying with my thing
den finally=))
we got our first pic
though quiet messy but at least we got it

actually planned to go sing at amk hub but may have to work till 3 so ...
changed of plan
and shopping is our last last min plan =))
went to play pool with them and we played 4 round
teamed up with valent
while clar with may

poor lent lent =))
she's like playing with herself
coz i only manage to get 4 balls in for the 4 rounds =X

he just cant take a nice nice pic with me

hee =))


may say lets take a pic CHARLIES ANGLES =))


on the way for our lunch at ??? ESPLANADE CARPARK !!

our lovely eating corner

and its like fully booked and RESERVED

did i mention i HATE PEAS

take a look at the toilet

motion activiated ?? sometimes it went crazy too

that where im on duty - club suit ($3000/person)

even the servettes look so high class =))

did i mention even the quailty is so super duper good??

the big big company coming to watch the race

sky suite =)) super nice

sky roof =) only the sky suite are allow

yea me and cecilia

thats a very gd view to watch f1 race at the sky roof =))

my incredible group mates

they are the one that keeps us motivated and filled our day with laughter =)

" eat shit " and " daddy "

finally 3rd day =))

and we are done with the F1


how i wish time will stop ticking at that moment

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