Thursday, October 2, 2008

PART OF F1 =))

woot back from the F1 thingy =))
all i can said is im paid to stand there and guide ppl to there respective rooms
and listen to the vrooommm vrooomm =))
omg its super super fun la there =))

and i met new frenz over there =))
like "eat shit" " firfir" and "daddy"
eat shit loves to say - you really noe how to lie arz
daddy loves to say - this / that girl / guy arz
hee daddy was given this nick coz he looked like one 20 +
yet he's only 18 ??

oh yar i was kindda pissed at times, for ??
haha you guys shld noe =)) rite lentlent =))
something need not be said so obvious
you noe i noe
if you think you are like this den be it
i dun think i wanna care
but somehow my tolerance has a limit

forget abt that and oh yes
did i mention that i saw ZHI HONG there =))
took some pic with him
but he ass la
accidentally delete it away
and ask me to wait till F2 den take lor
damm him

woot saw a lot of merchandise selling branded shirt like ferrari ect
selling caps /umbrella /t shirt /handphone straps /the car model /huge flags
everything is super super duper nice la
but the price is nice as well =))
range for clothes is 70 to 200
range for items like lighter ect is 20 to 200 too
is super super super ex de la
its cant be found in singapore
coz we dun have the shop in singapore
so its like limited edition =))
unless you go oversea buy

pic up next =))

im supersupersuper duper missing dee now =((
how i wish time will stop ticking at that moment

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