Thursday, October 9, 2008

well came across this blog and that few post
i can really understand how it feels like
my heart went numbed
and i felt like crying too

sometimes it gets hard to predict what might happen in future
and its getting hard to maintain a stable r/s
doesnt matter if it involves in marriage or just in the r/s
i just dun understand why cant guys just focus at 1 particular girl
and why does god create such mankind to create sin ??
or lets dun talk abt sin
talk abt how much damage he caused to that girl
like bloody hell
hows she gonna continue her life ??
i noe she has her beloved family to concern her
but what abt the scar in her
why does divorce or break off sounds so easy
never will you ppl understand how painful it is
and how hard to let go too

know what ?!!
if you guys just wanna find a bloody hole for the sake of your pleasure
den just go for your mum instead
they have a freaking hole like what other girl does
and they are more experienced rite ??
can i say so
if you were to have a sis
i hope that her bf did like what you have done to that girl
i hope your father repeat your history
let you have a taste of how it feels like to have a broken family
asshole !!?

how i wish time will stop ticking at that moment

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