Thursday, October 9, 2008

kindda busy with work that few weeks
recently got some misunderstanding with my sister

ok i noe that im at fault too
so does valent
we knew that we are wrong
wrong to keep you waiting for us to ask you out
we are sorry

but that doesnt mean you need to post it out
i dun see any point of you blogging out
fancy saying that you hate ppl doing that
but wat are you doing now??

when you fight with her
and she blog it out
you said it was a childish act
and dun see any point why she need to blog it out
so can you see that ??
you two were the same
and rmb shalehan ??
that time you ask for a patch up ??
what did you said
you rmb ???

let me help you to recall back
you said you did it out of anger
AND you said you wun do it again

do you rreally think it works by posting it out
instead we were pissed off by that
you shld noe how it feels like more den anyone else does
i was planning to ask you and valent go out to holland v
and valent was planning to go to the par villa
on the 2nd or last week of our holi

but when we saw that post of yours
we didnt noe wat to do instead
and dun dare to apporach
we just kept quiet
coz it very awakard

den there goes the sec post
well i dunno how to handle also
im tired
really tired

sometimes i dunno which and which words from you were true
coz i just felt that what you said doesnt make senses
i thought you said this time round you will not patch back ??
den what am i seeing when im working ??
you three came and eat ??
well i was kindda shock la
not kindda la
is super duper shock

i do hope this explain to you why we keep hiding from you
like now .
we dun even dare to approach you now

how i wish time will stop ticking at that moment

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