Tuesday, December 1, 2009

thanks everyone

a lot of thanks to those who loves me =D
and wish me happy birthday
no matter if its last min plan or wat, i appreciated that =D

all these are the present i received =D
and there are somemore in the past post
and again thanks everyone
i really like all the present


valent handmade photo-board =D
haha i was laughing all along while im browsing it

ah pei gave me de birthday present =D

thanks valent and may for the perfume
and its a reminder to TAN MAY HAO
dun try to steal my DKNY lipgloss =D

this was given by baby's parents and bro =D

the bracelet is made of swarovski and i bet its cost a bomb
if im not wrong they bought it from a high end jewel shop in genting

and tada =D
baby bought me a BURBERRY WALLET =D
thanks baby
and its like finally la ... i can burn it, throw it, buried my going 4 years wallet

coin compartment


today my colleague celebrated my belated birthday with me =D
they bought me a cake and surprise me haha =D
im so paiseh =p


last but not least here are some words from the bottom of my heart =D

to JEANILLE (pei)

thanks so much for bring me to eat the 99CENTS sushi
and dun becoz i wrote "99 cents" you think i felt its so cheap hee =D
coz i noe wat you thinking =)
its been 3 years continuously you helped me celebrated my brithday =D
and im so happy that i found another true frenz =D
we shares all lots of dark secret
we talk crap and we pitch each other lovely breast (though you dun have, but lets pretend you have one D cup size k)
wat a fun and joyful sch-day hur right =)
we shall keep celebrate each other birthday =D
and next year is 21st wor sis =D arent you excited ?yea .... sup sis hahah


thanks so much for the surprise but well i think im 100% .. well 99.9% IQ retard haha
coz mt says that you guy actually have alr almost let the cat out of the bag and i still in my 0.1% IQ world lol ..
thanks for the perfume =D
smell so nice
though its not a very wonderful celebration but cant blame coz singapore is either SMALL or its PRICEY .. we cant go for the entertainments =S
but its the thought that counts


all i could say is I LOVE YOU =D
thanks so much for putting so much commitment in this relationship, and guess wat ?
we have been together for 1 year 3 month and im looking forward to our 1 year 6 month .. 2 year .. 2 year 6 month and blablabla to our wed =) and before that im going to wait for you to finish your army .. start your career and im going to be your bei hou de nu ren =D how amazing is that
though you working as a part timer
and recently you are only working for few days yet you make an effort to buy me a burberry wallet .. im feeling a little guilty as well =S
baby thanks so much for everything =D
you bring me another mum, dad and bro to love me =D
and thanks them so much for the present
they are lovely

i LOVE my boyfriend super duper much =))

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