Tuesday, December 8, 2009

marathon 2009 & med wedding

yea we went for marathon again =D
but this time i have more frenz to run with me
and this time i have slow down by 10 mins =S
i realise im getting breathless easily
hmm and im now considering if i should go for sundown marathon

start of the run

this looks funny haha

and this too

yea tada

we look so pale =S and SHAGGG

finally otw home
super tired and smelly

after running
i have to attend med de wedding
she looks so different
haha so pretty =D
finally her hard work pays off
those video she create
when i saw here coming in i felt so happy that i really feel like crying =D
so fast she's gonna be other ppl wife
den sooner she going to be a mother of ? twins ? haha
stay happy med

loves sis

i LOVE my boyfriend super duper much =))

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