Friday, October 30, 2009

went out with baby to catch that MJ movie - this is it
well baby is a fans of him haha
though i didn't really noe much abt MJ neither am i a fans of his
i enjoy the movie =)

its all about the backstage and actually he is quite a nice and gentle guy
the way he talk to the crew everything =)
but the sad this is the movie didnt play the DANGEROUS and YOU ARE NOT ALONE =(
i love the smooth criminal and the triller =)
its super nice the dance the make up everything - SUPERB ~

den before that we went to eat the XIN WANG hong kong cafe =)
i order the black pepper chicken spag and baby order black pepper chicken rice ? i think the name is that.. blablabla
becoz we always eat that .. i sign up for that member card $30 dollars haha
but theres the voucher all that and a free drink on the spot we signed up =)
and we got ourself the peach tea =)
taste like the superdog's ice lemon tea =)

the voucher

i look so shag haha

i LOVE my boyfriend super duper much =))

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