Friday, October 30, 2009

went out with baby to catch that MJ movie - this is it
well baby is a fans of him haha
though i didn't really noe much abt MJ neither am i a fans of his
i enjoy the movie =)

its all about the backstage and actually he is quite a nice and gentle guy
the way he talk to the crew everything =)
but the sad this is the movie didnt play the DANGEROUS and YOU ARE NOT ALONE =(
i love the smooth criminal and the triller =)
its super nice the dance the make up everything - SUPERB ~

den before that we went to eat the XIN WANG hong kong cafe =)
i order the black pepper chicken spag and baby order black pepper chicken rice ? i think the name is that.. blablabla
becoz we always eat that .. i sign up for that member card $30 dollars haha
but theres the voucher all that and a free drink on the spot we signed up =)
and we got ourself the peach tea =)
taste like the superdog's ice lemon tea =)

the voucher

i look so shag haha

i LOVE my boyfriend super duper much =))
ytd was my last day at CRAFT JEWEL =s
business is getting bad to worst ..
and some of the part-timer hai - CMI
im wondering if business will be better or worst after i left

even so ytd my last day, i got scolded by customer due to that LI BIN
lol she's so irresponsible and rude to customer
i have nothing to say but i can see that CJ is going to lose all my regular customer if her attitude dosent change ...

ok enough of craft jewel
well im going over to NIRVANA
man im so excited haha
looking forward to learn everything

this is the place where im going to be sitting =)

tried up the birth order compatibility tool =)
it says like this

You're a queen among women, a leader among children and an angel among men. Your strong leadership skills result from your position as a firstborn with younger brothers. More than other women, you have a maternal side that men find seductive. Where other women might cling and claw and cry, you support and defend and inspire. You like to set the pace, decide the agenda and play by the rules. You can take charge in an emergency better than your friends. You have a strong conscience and are constantly striving to achieve the high goals you set for yourself. Any man in your life is lucky, especially if he knows how to be creative. Your best match is a freewheeling younger brother. You also do well with other lastborns and with middleborn guys who have older sisters. With firstborns, you can expect to run into conflict over leadership issues, but these conflicts can be lessened if you learn to share authority and divide responsibility equally. You have the same birth order as Hillary Clinton. Your best celebrity love match is Robert Downey Jr.|10-29-2009|

i LOVE my boyfriend super duper much =))

Monday, October 26, 2009

happy 18th birthday baby

im off from fri to mon =)
wat a long holiday haha
and its been a long time i enjoyed a long off day

well baby open a chalet on 24 till 26
valent may mt was invited but valent cant go so everyone didnt turn up =S
everything is going on well
baby serve the guest and i do the bbq-ing
WOOT tiring man =C
and i demand a reward haha

and baby promised to bring me to WWW
and today we went after 2 times of disappointment
OMG its my first time going there
super fun

its my first time going to water theme park with my bf =)
its my first time setting up a chalet with my bf =)
and i wish that my every first time is with THONG JIA QING =)

baby happy birthday =)
thought before the chalet we had a lot of argument regarding the food etc.
but that was becoz i wan your party to be the successful one and as well as the best of all
we fight, we quarrel, we do wat ever a couple will do but nv did you ask for a break up once =)
i appreciated that
and baby nv ever refer yourself not even worth a shit =S
coz you are the most precious one is my life =)
no one is perfect neither am i
and i always believe that we will last =)
i dont see any more trees in my life except for you
happy 14th monthly-versary =D

pic up soon =)
i LOVE my boyfriend super duper much =))

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

heeelllooo people =)
its been so long time since .. last month ?
haha and its so dead
same goes to my daily routine lol

but lately, i have good news =)
im selected for the position as an admin at the NIRVARA
well was told $1500 at first but the director says that i have no experience
so after the 3 month probation den they will be giving me $1500
but meanwhile im paid $1350
benefits ? well as usual 14 days anual leave 14 medicial leave and blablabla
extra is that if the sales is good we enjoy =) maybe a trip by company or event or dinner blablabla
working hours 7hr at toapayoh
starting at 2 nov

overall GOOD =)
even pei is satisfy and happy for me =)

baby's birthday coming -24 oct =)
as well as our 14 month anni
yea i love baby super much =)

i LOVE my boyfriend super duper much =))