Sunday, May 24, 2009

happy 9th month my love

on this very beautiful day =)
im attached to this wonderful guy
thats my BOYFRIEND cum hubby
i felt so proud and so fortunate to have him in my life

last week we had a fight
baby let out everything that he kept it to himself
well its true enough
and i realise that i turned bad =(

im no longer that girl that only noe how to say sorry
im not the girl that only fork out the money
im not the girl that will take all the blames
im not the girl that cant go out with friends so often

and i changed =(
to worst
to a person who start control him
oh no
im sorry baby
i didnt mean to
and im changing =)
give me time too

anyway today is our 9TH MONTH =)
we both are so looking forward to the 1 year anni and our birthday celebration =)
3 more months to go
WOOT !!!

i LOVE my boyfriend super duper much =))

Friday, May 22, 2009

wat a good blogshop i met =| LOL

has been working continuously for 2 weeks
but there's 2 day rest in btw =(
but do you think its enough ?

baby says that i have no life
work, sleep, work and sleep
even comes to play com, i dun even have time to spare
even to meet out with baby or frenz also have difficulty

OH NO !!!

and guess wat ?

i have been wait for like weeks
and when she ask me to give her my address again
i asked if she could meet at admiralty today instead of woodlands
she said NO ?!

the first time we meet up she MIA
den after that say in sch
ok and i asked her if could meet at evening time ( which she arranged 2 time slot - 1 morning 8.10 and 6.30pm)
i was good enough to gonna meet up in the morning and she went MIA
and den mail also have problem - the envelope torned ???????

and guess wat i have to wait ? or meet up ?

OH MY ?!
is this the way you do sales ?
im kind enough not to show her my temper
and i request nicely to meet at admiratly and she said CANT ?!

i LOVE my boyfriend super duper much =))

Tuesday, May 12, 2009


today was a tired day for me =(
was doing well in the afternoonbut not until that china woman came

she broke one of our bracelet
and she accussed that our quality is lousy
whereby our product is from korea NOT CHINA
and she insist not paying up

im trying to solve the problem and it took us so much time wasted just to argue
called up someone to ask for help
or can i say
talk some sense to her ?

and i chased after her
woot so far man

blablabla .things are solved ok and at least she bought something ( which we forced her to purchase 1 item )


told baby this and he said that there's no need to do so
hmm i dun really know if this worth or not or waste of my time
but singapore has a policy which is

i LOVE my boyfriend super duper much =))

Thursday, May 7, 2009

i bought a dress from online shop =)
and baby say nice

and today morning im going to collect it

nice ?
im refering to shirt not the girl hee =))

i LOVE my boyfriend super duper much =))

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

1 off day was gone just like that
and i cant help but feel like crying when it came across my mind that
finally its my off day

and to think that next week there will be no time for us
i .....

baby say he can come find me
but to think that only that 1 hour ? is it really that enough
and what else can we do when i will be so tired after 4 continuous 10.30 - 10 full shift
its just taking train and walking home
thats all

how i wish i could control my emotion not to cry out so easily
i LOVE my boyfriend super duper much =))

what hurt the most was ..

it hurts the most when you just left me alone .
its always like that

i listen to your explanation ONCE
and i wanted to look for you
but you are angry
ok and i did tell you how i felt at the same time as well

fine after an hour
i msg you words of sorry
but i nv expect that it has nv come across your mind about msging me
and has it came across your mind asking me where am i now ?
guess it didnt
coz you dun even bother anymore

a fight cant occur when its just one hand
it takes two hands to clap

ytd i asked if today around wat time we going for printing
you said tml den tell me, ok
and i agreed
this morning you called up and said 11am you are going
and you still accused me of forgetting and said that you have alr told me, until i ask you to look back your msg of wat you sms-ed me

ok im fine
you forget to update me
or your friends suddenly say lets go and print
i understand that
i rushed down
and when i say rush i really did rush
not even a slip of water or anything to eat when its alr 11 plus
my stomach is alr hurting

i dun mind spending that 3 dollar transportation at all
but i mind that you make me waste that transportation money just to go there and do nothing
if i do mind that amount of transportation, i wouldnt even go suntec and look for you
and when pei remind me about how much it cost for me to go suntec plus bus fare, i wouldnt say its ok coz he's my hubby.

how hurt it was when you are telling me that i feel that money is more impt than you
go reflect and ask yourself if i really feel that money is more impt than you!

when i keep understand about your situation and i made the first move to apologize to you
whats in your mind ?
still blaming me ?
and you heard that ?
its me again who make the first move
you promise me that you wun leave me alone
and once again

you left me alone...

and have you though why i would make myself to cool down so fast ?
becoz i dun wan you to say that im a very petty person
and i dun wanna waste my off day
coz next week is full
i dun have time for you
but end up
you took it for granted

you know i would sms you first
you know i would apologize first

i felt so hurt that you only think of your own situation; how much you done and planned
and you have nv spare a thought for me
nv did you apologize for making me so rush, instead you push all the blame on me
i just cant help it but cry coz it hurts so much

i LOVE my boyfriend super duper much =))