Tuesday, December 8, 2009

marathon 2009 & med wedding

yea we went for marathon again =D
but this time i have more frenz to run with me
and this time i have slow down by 10 mins =S
i realise im getting breathless easily
hmm and im now considering if i should go for sundown marathon

start of the run

this looks funny haha

and this too

yea tada

we look so pale =S and SHAGGG

finally otw home
super tired and smelly

after running
i have to attend med de wedding
she looks so different
haha so pretty =D
finally her hard work pays off
those video she create
when i saw here coming in i felt so happy that i really feel like crying =D
so fast she's gonna be other ppl wife
den sooner she going to be a mother of ? twins ? haha
stay happy med

loves sis

i LOVE my boyfriend super duper much =))

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

thanks everyone

a lot of thanks to those who loves me =D
and wish me happy birthday
no matter if its last min plan or wat, i appreciated that =D

all these are the present i received =D
and there are somemore in the past post
and again thanks everyone
i really like all the present


valent handmade photo-board =D
haha i was laughing all along while im browsing it

ah pei gave me de birthday present =D

thanks valent and may for the perfume
and its a reminder to TAN MAY HAO
dun try to steal my DKNY lipgloss =D

this was given by baby's parents and bro =D

the bracelet is made of swarovski and i bet its cost a bomb
if im not wrong they bought it from a high end jewel shop in genting

and tada =D
baby bought me a BURBERRY WALLET =D
thanks baby
and its like finally la ... i can burn it, throw it, buried my going 4 years wallet

coin compartment


today my colleague celebrated my belated birthday with me =D
they bought me a cake and surprise me haha =D
im so paiseh =p


last but not least here are some words from the bottom of my heart =D

to JEANILLE (pei)

thanks so much for bring me to eat the 99CENTS sushi
and dun becoz i wrote "99 cents" you think i felt its so cheap hee =D
coz i noe wat you thinking =)
its been 3 years continuously you helped me celebrated my brithday =D
and im so happy that i found another true frenz =D
we shares all lots of dark secret
we talk crap and we pitch each other lovely breast (though you dun have, but lets pretend you have one D cup size k)
wat a fun and joyful sch-day hur right =)
we shall keep celebrate each other birthday =D
and next year is 21st wor sis =D arent you excited ?yea .... sup sis hahah


thanks so much for the surprise but well i think im 100% .. well 99.9% IQ retard haha
coz mt says that you guy actually have alr almost let the cat out of the bag and i still in my 0.1% IQ world lol ..
thanks for the perfume =D
smell so nice
though its not a very wonderful celebration but cant blame coz singapore is either SMALL or its PRICEY .. we cant go for the entertainments =S
but its the thought that counts


all i could say is I LOVE YOU =D
thanks so much for putting so much commitment in this relationship, and guess wat ?
we have been together for 1 year 3 month and im looking forward to our 1 year 6 month .. 2 year .. 2 year 6 month and blablabla to our wed =) and before that im going to wait for you to finish your army .. start your career and im going to be your bei hou de nu ren =D how amazing is that
though you working as a part timer
and recently you are only working for few days yet you make an effort to buy me a burberry wallet .. im feeling a little guilty as well =S
baby thanks so much for everything =D
you bring me another mum, dad and bro to love me =D
and thanks them so much for the present
they are lovely

i LOVE my boyfriend super duper much =))

Friday, November 27, 2009

early celebration =)

anyway thanks ah pei and amy for early celebration
i appreciate that
and thanks so much =D loves
and i enjoy my day as well

the rose bud tea

the eggy is super nice

she look so funny

yea super nice

we eat a lot and its super cheap

the dessert is super nice
especially the jelly

wat a big and long mouth

wat a big LV bag

she is trying to see if my spec suit her

from amy

elmo stuff from AMY =D yea

yea my cake

i LOVE my boyfriend super duper much =))

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

genting =)

yea im back from genting =)
i enjoy myself so much though it has been raining almost everyday
and haha guess wat
we paid 119 for the outdoor theme park ticket and pirate ship as well as go-kart is the only exciting game we played lol
and baby's daddy and bro are sick for 1st day =(

baby say he has a surprise for me on the day we going genting
that was travel to KL sentral by train =D
mum said that its a waste of time but who cares ?
i have plenty of time and baby noe i nv take a train before so he ask his mum to book train =) extra surprise is - there bed =D not seat haha
i was really touched coz i kept scolding and blame him for being lazy thats why he didnt wan to bring blanket for me
but the truth is there is blanket and bed provided for me =D
how sweet is my baby =D

den went to kl sentral slack and blablabla shop around and wait for the bus to genting
and do you noe that the food food in the food court at KL sentral is the worst i ever tried before
their dish is either way too salty or too spicy and i have been wondering why isnt there hair having problem
and even their housefly are so lazy.. lol they fly around slowly in front of you and their leg is dropping down .. and when you try to shoo them away from your food you might accidentally hit them coz they flying too slow unlike Spores'.. they fly to nowhere you can see them lol

den on the way to genting took 1 hr and we shop we eat like nobody business and i guess baby eat too much of sweet corn
his shit is sweet corn haha
i guess he will ring me up and give me a hell if he saw this =D
den everyday we have free breakfast buffet and after eating we go shit straight away haha disgusting right ?

we celebrate uncle birthday at there as well
but the funny thing is auntie mixed up the date lol
she tot its alr 15 whereby its only 14 omg

on the last night i guess
i tried to smuggle in the casino and i think becoz i look a little worry thats why the police caught me =S

den at night baby bring me play the ferry wheel and the 4D motion master =D
im so reluctant to go back singapore but have no choice =C
i dun see that i have been staying there for 3 night =( perhaps becoz we are living with no stress for that few days so it seems to pass so fast =(

inside the train and everyone is sleeping coz its 11 plus

too bad my cam no flash =(

at the chee chong kai there

otw back to KL sentral =)

this is there mrt card
the old version where we slot the card in the machine, rmb ?

he look so nerd with his old bilabong cap that was bought 4 years ago ? lol

this is nicer =D

dun you think he look like ah beng
haha staring at those malay girl ?

up up up to GENTING =)

we took skyway up to the hotel =)

uncle birthday =)

im PART of the family =D yea hee

so cute right hahah

fat pig

arent we sweet =D

this is how uncle look like

opps get caught =p

yi lian pai

er lian pai

san lian pai

si lian pai

five lian pai

yi lian pai

er lian pai

san lian pai

shi lian pai

auntie why your eyes close ?

arent we the best toothpaste advertisment ?

shag ~waiting to train back to singapore

act cute
copy the lemon boy

the train

the ticket

we are back home at last =S
with so many things

anyway maybe im going to malaysia during chinese new year =)
back to baby kampong house hee
i LOVE my boyfriend super duper much =))