Saturday, November 7, 2009

went to sentosa with baby and his frenz =)
haha went there play volleyball and Frisbee
lucky i rmb to bring the sun block if not that thong jia qing sure #$$%@%&* - nag at me =S

haha den after that went for the luge and skyride ^^v
both are so nice and fun especially at night
woot so cooling
next will be the song of the sea
i must say this - im so proud of singapore
their technology is super
haha effect is excellent

after the show we went for SUPERDOG
i just simply love the chilli cheesefries
well i noe it contain beef but nah its just sauce haha
and its not always

big shoe for him

hawaii 1


3 ? like clown haha

poor clara difficulty in breathing hee

work done !!


the so called "bed" lol

well there is a girl of coz need a guy =D

haha his armpit hair traps a lot of sands yucks

look at the flying fox lol it cost $29.90
damm ex la

the tourist is curious lol

ppl he is having cramp not laughing haha

and the ppl are trying to act like him

the song of the sea =)

and yea 4 more days to going genting
fri im leaving spore haha
i LOVE my boyfriend super duper much =))

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