Wednesday, July 15, 2009

yeayea =)
went out with baby to orchard on sun =)
lalala and we catch the 3d ice age show

was kindda upset coz baby didnt told me he watched that show
mabe he was afraid that i will be angry ?
hmm i told him i will not haha

anyway the show was soso
hmm but there are a lot of funny and cute scene =)

baby asked me to take pic =)
omg haha
maybe its long that we told pic thats explained why some pic was funny

the DIESEL perfume
woot super nice

i like this but the pic is not clear =((((

haha we were really laughing and i forgot for wat reason lol

yuck the stupid hand and face

opps i look like some ape

anyway im playing crazy planet for baby coz i have nothing to do =))
baby dun be shocked haha
i LOVE my boyfriend super duper much =))

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