Sunday, July 19, 2009

crazy planet

i was super boring haha =)
and im so into this freaking game =)
crazy planet from facebook

you guys should try
its driving me crazy


i LOVE my boyfriend super duper much =))

blu blu day

well today went to may's place for a swim with valent
oh well today the champ swimmer - may brought her swimming cap along

wat can i say haha
nothing but laughing at her eggy head

her eyes looks weird -_-

take 1

take 2

finally they are happy with the pic i took lol

well may smsed me not to post but hahha
how can i let the ppl down ?
such entertainment must be shared =) hee

anyway baby ask me to go on with the chalet plan =)
woot im so excited
i LOVE my boyfriend super duper much =))

Friday, July 17, 2009

well i guess imma born-to-be emo person
and sometime i think its better to be alone

i LOVE my boyfriend super duper much =))

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

yeayea =)
went out with baby to orchard on sun =)
lalala and we catch the 3d ice age show

was kindda upset coz baby didnt told me he watched that show
mabe he was afraid that i will be angry ?
hmm i told him i will not haha

anyway the show was soso
hmm but there are a lot of funny and cute scene =)

baby asked me to take pic =)
omg haha
maybe its long that we told pic thats explained why some pic was funny

the DIESEL perfume
woot super nice

i like this but the pic is not clear =((((

haha we were really laughing and i forgot for wat reason lol

yuck the stupid hand and face

opps i look like some ape

anyway im playing crazy planet for baby coz i have nothing to do =))
baby dun be shocked haha
i LOVE my boyfriend super duper much =))

Monday, July 13, 2009

i love this song so much =)
so touching and meaningful
but that doesnt relate to my r/s =))

anyway had a very interesting chalet on may's birthday
baby and i cant stop laughing when we talked about


anyway went out with baby on sun
took a lot of pic but den well its been long we take pic
so ...
outcome not so nice
but i still wanna take next time =)
thanks baby for asking me to take pic =))))

and cant wait for next week 24th to come =)
mumu dee
i LOVE my boyfriend super duper much =))

Thursday, July 9, 2009

a happy day with pei

today sales was alright =)
and pei came and look for me after her shopping
and waited for me

we joke about everything
and she keep pestering me to take pic with her haha

act cute =)

haha was exploring my phone camera =)

my love for you =)

heart shape

huh -.- ??

i love admiring you


ugly bytch =)

pei gave me this super mini noodle and its ex lo lol
and i cant believe you willing to spend on this kind of food
anyway its special la =)

i LOVE my boyfriend super duper much =))

Saturday, July 4, 2009

today went for interview
well no much news
but for my future
i will work hard on it

den since im at orchard
i went around shopping =)
saw some shirt that was really nice
and i went to hypnosis, saw a beautiful dress
but its was kinnda ex $69.90, that was without 20% discount
plus its low cut design
was planning to get that for my special day =)))

den went to bottletree park
that was a place where i always go whenever im super down
that time was with pei
but today i was alone at there
a very peaceful place plus today got family day event
as well as the swan day too - uncle ringo

stayed at there for 4 hrs
and im getting tired by the sunlight of the sorching sun
today was super hot la

and while sitting there a old couple caught my eyes
haha trying to take a pic of them but its a little far
how i wish down the road we will be like them
doing those sweet and romantic stuff
and not thinking that how old liao still go sit that kind of stuff

thats the typical singaporean guys always though of whenever they were pulled to have a ride like that
who agree with me ? =o

i LOVE my boyfriend super duper much =))

Friday, July 3, 2009

at time i dun feel any belonging
and i failed in everything
i hate living like a zombie; in darkness

you just nv noe how it feels like
and i cant bother anymore
i wish we could overcome all this faster
or in another word - i wish i could used to everything the next day
and not crying over all this fucking things
i LOVE my boyfriend super duper much =))

Thursday, July 2, 2009

random post & welcome back to mummy =D

OMG !!
look who's back to mummy =))

is my beloved elmo =)
i was super happy to see him today
and i bought it without thinking

and oh yar my teacher who taught me how to pierce ear came
and he bought me beancurd

omg =))
thats for my dinner ytd =)

i LOVE my boyfriend super duper much =))