Friday, April 10, 2009

woot finally im going malaysia

went to malaysia with mum and granny as well as my bro
not only shopping but as well as to pay respect to my lao ma ( great grand mother)
thats how i should address her

early in the morning was so unhappy coz everyone attire was not up to mum standard
i wanna wear a sleeveless shirt
but mum say too much flesh was shown, so... REJECTED X(

bro went to choose a shirt which is 100% cotton and was bough last year
so mum suggested him to wear a adidas dry fit shirt


den after pay respect we went to city square shop shop =)
hmm ah ma is hungry so went to find foodcourt
and it took me so long to find the stair to level 5
ass hee
why it took me so long ? its all becoz there is only this ONE way up to level 5
anyway went to find food and came across the hot plate stall
and per plate is only RM5-6
super cheap la haha

haven finish shopping, ah ma cant stand it so went home =((
babybaby, next time bring me there leh =((

anyway took some pic only =)
let the pic talks

city square

the food court that makes me walk up and down just to find it

mum bought me 2 of this kind of tee =)
and its only RM 10 each
which means = S$ 4.80
lol =B
somemore the material is super soft
NICE TO WEAR * * * *

the contact lens solution
RM 38
WORTH TO BUY * * * * *

OH ! this ice lemon i have been searching for in iT Singapore
but i couldnt find it

the best ever ILT i ever tried
not sweet and it taste good as well

WORTH TO BUY * * * *

the special chupa chups - XXL
only in malaysia, why ?
becoz after you suck the lollipop =) theres something inside

that is the BUBBLE GUM

and mummy bought this shoes =)

anyway ytd (thurs) i receive my pay
and that time went to orchard
baby saw this cap that he likes
but he scare mummy scold so he didnt buy
but on the other hand he really wish to own it
so ...

and i tot its a surprise for him
but ... damm it
he nv fails to know what im doing behind him

damm you baby
no more surprise for you liao

DUSTY's cap

i LOVE my boyfriend super duper much =))

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