Saturday, April 18, 2009

bus-ed to GIANT and IKEA =)

went out with baby, mummy and his bro to the Ikea and Giant =)
hmm had a great time =)

baby bought me a new floor mat =)
but white in colour and that's the only colour
he told me to wash it often coz easily dirty

but i told him i LOVES black =)
and im so not gonna wash coz i wan it NATURALLY black in colour haha
baby face was like

aww ~ eeyer
baby how could you be so CLEAN ?!
hee =)))

den went back baby house to take my bag =)
tada thats for the day =)

the mat baby bought =)

mummy bought for me strawberry

a kiss for you =)

baby say this looks nice

hoho baby new hair style =)

shit your unglam side

perfect =)
and he look so ti ko =)) (pervert)

he look so HANDSOME

look at his arm =)
twice the size of mine
hmm baby i dun dare to bully you le

1 arm around my neck can kills me haha

baby finally get back his macho arms and chest =)
and he so happy =)
jia you baby =)

baby say he did squeeze the muscle
but i dun think soooo
coz he shy ba =)

was shopping halfway
baby suddenly told me
dee i felt that you are so belonged to me
i was so touched ?
hmm i guess i did
and i told him
i felt we are like a newly couple that went around IKEA looking around for furniture for our newly home =)
how i wish time will pass a little faster
to the day we go for ROM, CHURCH and lastly OUR OFFICIAL WEDDING =)
baby i cant wait for the day =)
wat about you ?
i LOVE my boyfriend super duper much =))

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