Thursday, April 16, 2009

baby :D your my everything !!

recently a lot of things happen or should I say I found out so many facts that I didn't know .
a friend that I tot he will be a faithful bf turns out to be a play boy that you can nv imagine .

I was den awake by my dear boy
and suddenly I can really feel how much I really mean to him.
when he received a msg saying that my guy
guy friend took my bag and force me to wait for him after work to take train with him
baby straight away come down without hesitating abt going work at that moment

baby thanks for everything :D:D
Im sorry to keep you worry times and times

and to think that that guy who has a gf and been together for 1year plus, will still be interested whether I have feeling for him or not
I felt so lucky that im not his gf
cos the gf nv noe wat he has did behind her back
how many girls he has sweet talk with
and how many girls has heard his repeated sweet words

baby im so happy I chose the right one
thanks for coming to pick me up even though you need to go work after that
its must be tiring for you
hmm tml I will reward you :D:D

and baby has a new hair cut :D WOOT!
he finally can see the ful view le hee

i LOVE my boyfriend super duper much =))

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