Tuesday, April 21, 2009

1st day at work

today was my worst ever day
was chaos at night when closing

hmm i was new and my kind boss put me ALONE
closing the whole shop
and i have no idea how im i freaking supose to squeeze every single display in side the cupboard
i was so panick cause one by one, the shops are closed
left me
and guess wat i still haven finish counting my float and sales =(

and i burst into tears when i saw baby
i cried like shit
oh my god
and i finished at 10.45 pm when i suppose to finish at 10pm
baby helped me when counting the float and the sales for today

i felt so guilty coz tml peipei opening =(
im so sorry pei
didnt mean it if its MESSY

the position of the stuff

baby, thanks for being there when i need someone by my side so much =(
i love you
i LOVE my boyfriend super duper much =))

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