Friday, March 13, 2009

nightmare has been haunting for me
this few weeks haven really had a nice sleep
and ytd i had 2 nightmare

first was that i went to a block whereby there are a lot of indian ladies lying on the floor
and were all dead
i went around with friends and pray for them
and i was told not to touch them
and i sat so right in front of them that i touched the bodies
and whenever i touched them
they would wake up

den went to flag for a taxi
and i fell asleep
when i was awake
the surrounding was like so deserted
and when i ask the uncle where he taking me
and he said
somewhere fun
and i open the door and i force myself to jump out and ran to the nearby police station

and as i tot its over
stomach pain
and i only had 6 hrs of sleep

wat's happening ?
i LOVE my boyfriend super duper much =))

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