Monday, March 2, 2009

its really disheartening when im trying to make the very first move
to change the way i look at things
but somehow im so not appreciated

baby if i really did doubt you or there's no trust in us
i would be angry or wouldnt let you go to the supper
but nope i didnt
im just mad that you make me worry so much
i kept looking at the fone
and see if there's any msg

i know you explain to me
and im here trying to control my temper
and i end things as fast as possible
with a solution that
next time pls rmb to tell me
at least i know if you going or not
and i start talking to you nicely
but your msg was like
talking to a normal friend
i waited and continuously talking to you in a very sweet manner
and you just replied with

haven =I you doing wat
you finish work wat time
straight away go home
and lastly
so guai ?
normally you will be sayng
wa baby so gd ?
thats when im so pissed off and i just replied you that words of anger to spike you

but did you really try to understand wat im trying to say ?
did you look back at the msg earlier on ?
you said that you were alright after i let the matter rest
but the way you sms really sound alright ?

its really hurt that
im trying to make a different but
not even words of appreciation
and you even said that im keep rtying to pick up fight after i went to Sentosa

thats not wat i wanted
if you were to talk nicely and the same way as you normally talked to me after i let the matter rest
none of this thing will start again
i didnt stop you from going for supper
i just wanna noe if you went ?
and before eating
dun you have the thoughts of smsing me abt it ?
all i know the next day was you went to gab hs overnight
next day going work
cant you at least tell me
baby i went for work?

you left me worry for whole night and the next day
i kept thinking if you woke up ?
did you go for work ?
you got bring charger ?

when im just purely worry
you accuse me of doubt you and there's no trust

its been so long that i cant sleep and sitting there having a smsing fight
somehow history gonna repeat ?
i nv knew you were the same as the 2 of them
i LOVE my boyfriend super duper much =))

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