Sunday, January 4, 2009

hoho went out with my lovely darling on wed =))
welcoming the start of the 2009

hee and we watched the IP MAN
baby say he is IP MAN
gosh so shameless rite hee =))

and i told baby wait for me
im going to hong kong to learn from the master

went to amk to watch movie =))
den go bugis shop for baby new year clothes


stupid dee make me laugh like hell

heho =)) my HANDSOME baby =))

hee i shall not say =)) i noe im pretty = opps

baby took de

best advertisement for Darlie =))

i suddenly realise we look somehow alike =X

oh well went to ICA to acc dee do his IC
misplaced his wallet
den end up lost the ic
so there goes his 100 bucks

den a little budget le so went the HOLLAND village
to have katong laksa
as well as buy hamham de food at pet shop

the puppies are so cute and its only
1280 bucks
my god
if i can take pic and show it out
im sure you will agree too

the yummu LAKSA

i LOVE my boyfriend super duper much =))

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