Friday, January 30, 2009

yea yea

baby is coming back tml =))
YES !!
but he will be reaching at 11 pm
which means i can only meet him on sunday =((

that sounds bad rite

anyway im super excited baby coming back
we have never leave each other for as long as 1 week
i do really miss baby
i LOVE my boyfriend super duper much =))

Thursday, January 29, 2009

nightmare keeps looking for me
and i really hate that bloody feeling in me
it just appear so real

the part when my heart turns cold?
when he broke the news that he wanna break up ?

pls leave me alone

i LOVE my boyfriend super duper much =))

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

save the last dance for me

suddenly just feel like watching the

that was an amazing drama
though its a little draggy
but its nice

nice and touching that i cried when watching
dunno for wat reason
and i love watching alone
coz when i cry no one see hee
and did i mention
its hard to see me cry for drama or even movie

ask baby watch
he like dun really wanna watch =(((

den have the urge to watch so much
that i search like hell
and i cant find it

its wednesday
baby coming back on the sat =))

i miss my baby
i LOVE my boyfriend super duper much =))

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

happy happy MOO YEAR !!!

oh well finally
manage to blog something abt wat i have been doing this few days

erm took some pic when we reach home

and also
i have been calling baby
and its hard to get through

damm sad =((
i keep calling when i cant get through
and i felt so helpless
and i cried =((((

den finally get through
granny say"
"hi , you jia qing's frenz ?
oh he fall asleep le
you call tml k "

damm i was like super disappointed de lo
den call le
first time i call le den no one ans
den after that the uncle ans say he went out buy thing
12 i call auntie say he went bathing

finally he ans my call hee =))

i miss my baby
count down 3 more day yea yea


daddy and mummy
take 1

take 2

take 3
coz mummy keep saying that her smile not nice
as usual guy will be irritated
daddy is scratching his head

brother and mummy =)

me and my lovely brother =)) hee
he look so handsome hee
like my bf rite ??

me and mummy =))
lousy brother =))
n camera skill hee

my sec day de clothes =))

alright long time nv camwhoring =))

baby i wanna kiss you

i LOVE my boyfriend super duper much =))

Monday, January 26, 2009

BABY =(((((((((

i was so freaking upset and disappointed
and i cried instantly
when i heard that baby was sleeping =((

i dunno is the freakin fone problem or the freaking line
upon trying so many times
finally its like get through

baby's granny told me he slept alr
for like very long

man baby baby
why cant you stay awake for awhile longer =((
you should noe i will call at 12 rite ??

i misses you so much

i LOVE my boyfriend super duper much =))

Sunday, January 25, 2009

happy 5th month baby

somehow i felt so moody
dunno why
i dun have any mood for new year

in fact i do noe why im so not happy =((
i miss baby so badly

i cant help but cry when i saw baby send a msg to me at 6 plus before he went to malaysia
when im still asleep
i cried back to sleep
to think of wat he sent to me
i feel like crying

anyway ytd is our 5th month anni baby
we went out for a swim and to gym too
den after that went to eat dinner with my family

baby next year i bring you there ok =))
muacks muacks

wwoot baby suntan =))

me and my cousin =))

i LOVE my boyfriend super duper much =))

Wednesday, January 21, 2009


heho =))
finally went out with baby

why i said its finally
coz we were busy with work and sch

the only time to meet is only when we pick each other up from work
oh man
i miss you baby =((

and dunno why this few weeks really damm busy =((
and few more days baby going malaysia
during chinese new year
to visit his relatives
oh man
no baby no =((

ok fine forget abt that

went to orchard to buy psp for brother
can you imagine an electronic game for $425

den after that went shopping
baby and i each saw a pair of nice nice shoes =))
and we bought it
due to the limit time we have
we cant watch movie
oh no
but no worries
i enjoyed the day

thanks baby
i love you

his FOUR SKIN bag
like so uncle picking drinking can hee

there's the full view

hee randomly camwhoring

he did prepared yet

and i just took it

hmm baby is looking at GUCCI thingy
sorry baby IM BROKE

he looks cute la

ok he's trying to do that sickening horsy mouth

i think only i can do the best
the legendary horsy mouth

and this =))
try to flip your lips and see if one end touches the other ???

he's so bad la keep laughing at my mouth
baby not the only
PEI ar CHICHI ar MAY ar VALENT ar and MEITING too =(((

opps baby you wanna open your eyes a not ??
and you lok like a freak =))


baby thanks for the changes you made
from a hate-pic taking bf
to a bf who at least willing to take pic with me
im so happy
and thanks for painting my life with colours =))
i LOVE my boyfriend super duper much =))

Friday, January 16, 2009

trippy to " BULL CART WATER "

hads a good trip to chinatown =))
to shop and buy my dye =))

hee meiting and lent lent keep bully me lo (((

damm it
oh yar we also took some special pic
with meiting de palariod
did i spell it rite ??

i LOVE my boyfriend super duper much =)