Saturday, November 15, 2008

alright i huess i NEED to update alr

well fri went to BBQ CHICKEN for training
we were late and training is fun =))
we are paid 10 bucks wor hee

most of the staff are from SWENSENS =))
woot no need to readjust my working friend
but i need to adapt to the new working environment
and the new MICROS

valent starting today =))
with hamid haha
and i will be starting tml

den we went to novena to eat donut =))
we intend to look for paxson
but he was off duty
man !!!!
we are late

anyway i have a lot of fun again=))
always so much fun =))

cute ??

her disgusting fries

she wanna da bao home lol

first shot
she said not nice

sec shot
not nice again !!!!

im pissed off
so i entertained her with this pic

she do look cute rite

man these few day have been busy with our own thing
me and dee hardly get to see each other
even if we did meet up its only few hours
and when i said few hours i really mean it
like around 2 hrs only =(((((((((

i do really miss baby a lot
man and today, again 2 hrs
suddenly feel like hugging him and dun let go
i miss him super super super much

today is my granny's bday
so i needa go
den my cousin bought her bf to granny hus =)
out of sudden my aunt ask me if i have bf
so i ansed her YES !!!!!
hee den she ask me when i bringing him come =))

hee =))

mummy and son

daughter and in law with mummy

i LOVE my boyfriend super duper much =))

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