Monday, October 20, 2008


when to see BABY =))
my god
its super fun and excitement
me and valent was like argue about wat to buy for beebee
what size arz
what design suit the baby
can she wear lesser clothes for the time being or she still need to be covered with a lot of coth etc.

den after tht head towards meiting hs to visit beebee
otw in the bus
may was being a nuisance
taking unglam pic of us, but not hers
den we dunno valent go there to see baby or just wanan watch her bangbangtang
well here she go again take and take

after that going for dinner
order so much food =))
oh yar did i mention i went for THREADING =))
with valent too !!!

fcuk you for taking close up pic

at the taste of thailand

this boy arz
kept looking at may. hmm =))

she still manage to smile for her to take

OPPS ! i guess she cant stand it too

isnt she lovely

and end up i sprained my neck =C

well she force me to do this
wanna take rite ?? take la

auntie with BEEBEE C=

ballball with BEEBEE C=

monster with BEEBEE C=

chio bu with BEEBEE C=

pig with BEEBEE C=
is she smiling or ???

my god

im trying to get in the pic
while valent cant be bother anymore with may's nonsense

well she tried so hard to capture but i manage to prevent

i do pity her
coz all her ugly pic is taken haha

the unglam pic of chuinz

the star of the day =))

i wan BABY =)) MMEOOWW
i LOVE my boyfriend super duper much =))

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