Friday, August 15, 2008

you make me like im a freak

sometimes things just dun go the way you wan
unpredicted things seems to happen everytime
but among 10 unpredicted things happen, 1 is the only lucky thing

she was kind enough to comfort me
telling me
girl everything is alright
the result will be ok, you'll be fine
dun think too much

likewise others kept asking me like im one kind
i felt so hurt, and its REAL HURT
coz its alr hard for me to break the news
and when i bring it on to you
you actually make me felt worst
i dun if i shld keep thinking or not
i just kept feel like drinking
asking me why i drink?
coz you make me feel so
its a pressure to me when you keep asking those thing which i have no idea
and things that i have alr confirm cum explain with you

i feel like having one now;
how i wish time will stop ticking at that moment

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