Tuesday, August 26, 2008

talk abt mock test first
alright i know how to do and i noe the ans
but whether is right or wrong i dunno

may went to eat swensens =)
and only for that moment
i felt so happy
other than that hais one word to describle that awful feeling
i noe im mean
but i just cant work with those auntie and uncle
i wanna them to take the tray
but how?? how can i ??
i mean after all they are still our elder rite

den after work =)
he waited for me
and we went home together
he got me a bar of chocolate


and as promised
a bowl of salad for my supper and dinner =))))))))))

super happy la
and TADA

i finished all up except for ...

few pieces that was stained with the egg yolk =x
coz i hate egg yolk , they made me vomit =(((

hope that tings remain the same down the road ;
if i belonged to you; you are craved in me

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