Tuesday, August 12, 2008


so honour to be invited to do this LAME quiz from may =)

1.The person who tagged you is : MAYHAO / VALENT / HADMID

2.Your relationship with her is : Lesbian partners cum buddy

3.Your five impression of her : chubby + a little round = HUMDY DUMDY/ bunch of joker cum LAMER

4.The most memorable thing she had done for you : KISS ME ??

5.The most memorable thing she said to you : can i be your LESBIAN ?!

6.If she become your lover, you will : i will hug her tight like one kind. there's no need to go sliming course =))

7.If she become your lover, thing she has to improve on will be: She needs to be taller.

8.If she become your enemy, you will : CAT FIGHT liao lor

9.If she become your enemy, the reason will be : coz she always own me 0.50 CENT / BIG BOOBS =p

10.The most desire thing you want to do for her now is : chew them up like chewing gum

11.Your overall impression of her is : fierce like one wild cat / lame like a donkey / crazy like a freak / big boobs like a bimbo

12.How you think people around you will feel about you? : THANK GOD I FOUND YOU =)

13.The characteristics you love about yourself : HOT/SEXY/ CURVY FIGURE ect. countless

14.On the contrary, the characters you hate about yourself are : im simple too IRRESISTIBLE

15.The most ideal person you want to be is : A RICH GUY =))

16.The people that care and like you, say something to them : I LOVE YOU BABY

17. Pass this quiz to 5 ppl you wished to know how they feel about you:a. VALENT b. MAY c. PEI d. QING e. EVERYONE THAT LOVES ME =))

how i wish time will stop ticking at that moment

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