Saturday, August 16, 2008

happy 43th birthday =))

went out with a'an on the national day
to see firework =))
ever since the last time we met
i guess it shld be new year??
guess so
anyway i enjoyed la
den around 5 plus went to meet his frenz

waiting at the starbucks coffee =)
enjoying my chocolate cream chip
woosh so damm sedap la ok

i didnt noe he took this pic
and there are more at the back

before and ...
after ? can you see the diff ?
ok la i have to admit that his editing is gd

there it goes again ...

hee fancy camwhoring
with him superduper big camera

erm take 3 ?! lol

once again the before

and after =)
he promise to edit for me and ..

like i said
around 5 we went to gather together with his frenz
and this guy hmm
think his name is DIN?!
oh well

ok i forget his name
STM k =)

i rmbed hers
she's fathin =) a nice girl

ok this guy
what do you think of his when first look at him ??

to my surprise
he turns out to be soft soft type

opps =x

ok i find im cute when first saw him
the swat whatever hee

candid pic took by the swat

me and a'an =)

camwhoring in the crowds
while waiting for the fireworks

did you saw a big S
represent Singapore

ok another candid
and the flash is like hurting my eyes man

playing with the laser and the function of his camera

oh well camwhoring again
btw did i ever mention that his skin complextion =P
so much better den last time

i noe im cute =x hee

btw next fri and sat got fireworks leh
lentlent =)) ah hao =))
wanna go with me mah

how i wish time will stop ticking at that moment

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

ok lo. provided that u give me one dollar.=p
and from then on u cant say that i owe u 50 cent