Tuesday, August 26, 2008

talk abt mock test first
alright i know how to do and i noe the ans
but whether is right or wrong i dunno

may went to eat swensens =)
and only for that moment
i felt so happy
other than that hais one word to describle that awful feeling
i noe im mean
but i just cant work with those auntie and uncle
i wanna them to take the tray
but how?? how can i ??
i mean after all they are still our elder rite

den after work =)
he waited for me
and we went home together
he got me a bar of chocolate


and as promised
a bowl of salad for my supper and dinner =))))))))))

super happy la
and TADA

i finished all up except for ...

few pieces that was stained with the egg yolk =x
coz i hate egg yolk , they made me vomit =(((

hope that tings remain the same down the road ;
if i belonged to you; you are craved in me

Monday, August 25, 2008

mugging over the office application
i have no mood , totally no mood for that
oh come on ~ im not the study type

and im forcing myself to study rite now
and i cant fucking get the info in my brain
and that hag is giving us a mock test


how i wish time will stop ticking at that moment

Thursday, August 21, 2008

well i realise im getting worst
im not really so into study anymore
for what reason??
i freaking hates remembering all those information
its sux

kindda moody the whole day
i dunno why also
maybe im just so affected by it
kept going into her blog to read up those mushy thing she said
i felt so sweet yet jealous? or wat?
i didnt know

omg i just felt so lost
like there's no goal in me
i didnt noe what i want too
was talking to peipei just now
so warmth like as though she's my soul
knowing what im actually feeling

how i wish time will stop ticking at that moment

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

first day working at donut cafe =)
was kindda nervous
though the job scoop is easy but somehow to me its like hard??
coz i didnt know how to handle the fragile donuts hee
and guess wat ?
i wasted 4 donuts in one day =(( feel so stress

den finish work went to the mrt with kerk
keep talking to his baby hee
overheard what he said to his gf
" i took sandwich coz no more donut left"
and i whisper "cheapskate hee"
and he also said " ok yes mdm " to his baby
and i shown him a vomit face hee

ok i admit that it was so sweet la to even like talk this way to his gf
its a good way to communicate
instead of ok ok and yes
sound so boring rite

sometimes i keep wondering
how did he manage to maintain a 3 years r/s
coz to me it seems so freaking hard
is it my fault ?

alright whole day have not eaten
only tibits and tibits coz i didnt noe what to eat
bored of those mees
den dinner was stuffed by the wasted donuts =)

and im still hungry !!!!!

i keep reflecting the past so that i wun make the same mistake;
how i wish time will stop ticking at that moment

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

1 dollar 50 cent

let me intro the book of tales - 1 dollar 50 cent =)

Once upon a time, there's this girl

named valent aka the 50 cent.
The legend behind the name was due to a debt from

A legendary beauty named liting aka the 1 dollar =)

Together, they met an evil time machine bunny
that brought them to the world of 2008

ok freak out. stop the crap !

our favourite nachos with salsa sauce

valent's grilled chicken
small portion but its super delicious man

mine was the rooster =))
lagi best man

the legendary beauty hee

oh as well as her
the legendary 50 cent=)

actaully before the dinner at the billy bomber
we went to sing from 11 to 6 pm =))

sang until we have no idea what to sing

look at the 50 cent freaking face
like one lost monkey

thats how a monkey drink

camwhoring all the way

an indian version for 50 cent

act one cute round ball with a round seat =))
hee OPPPS !!

BUT ..
im diff la
born to be *EHEM* =))

ok i was force to act one sexy look for her to take =)
but there's no need to act
coz im *EHEM* too =x

opps i make it to much like my home

whoo ! enjoying the korean chicken while that 50 cent sings

the food that we tried to smuggle in

finally 6 and we are out of that holy singing place
den we moved on to the

camwhoring throughout the whole journey

hee the ppl in charge

the view from 150m high

isn't it beautiful =)

well DHL i had it =)
next will be the FLYER =)))))))))))))
CAN I ??

how i wish time will stop ticking at that moment