Sunday, March 29, 2009

beautiful date to sentosa =))

finally im going to sentosa with MY BABY =)
that was what i really wish for all the times

baby wanna suntan and i wanna play my skyride AGAIN !!
baby went to my place first at 10 am
and wait for me to pack
and he said IM SLOW =(((((

off we go
and went to the coffeeshop at the interchange for breakfast cum lunch
den reach the beach at around 1 plus

den baby was so into suntan that he quickly set up the mat and
lie flat suntan-ing lol =))
and i was scolded for not bring the sun block lotion =(
baby wan me baibai
dun wan me get chao da (burnt)
and did i mention
that was the freaking FIRST TIME with my BIKINI on and SUNTAN

den after baking under the sun
we went vivo city
hee and we shop and walk and laugh and smile
and oh yar
baby was demostrating the way how a guy look at me from my curry puff to the toes, with the gf calling him to show him a dress
and guess wat
baby was looking at him too
but that guy nv even notice baby eyes
hee and we laugh like hell
walk and walk and a few pretty girl caught our eyes =)
and we even discuss abt the girls =)

off we go =))

kiss kiss baby =))

view from the monorail tram

in the monorail tram

up and up and up to the skyride

isnt this beautiful ?

my handsome baby =))

dee say wanna be my bei hou de nan ren =O

hee i look like one sotong

opps my mouth is like double the time of baby mouth =(((((
dua chui ki =((

view from the skyride is super nice

woot he looks so =)) seductive

this pic of us look so young =))

i love his side view

baby toutou take my pic =O

sweet couple =)

at the end of the day
baby said i changed
from a girl who believes any crap from his friend to a girl who nv believe anything from the friend =)
and also from a girl who mind him looking at girl for a glance and discuss abt their look to a person who look at them and discuss with him as well =)
i felt so proud of it that i changed to have more faith and trust in you

baby im falling deeper for you
and when's the day i can say
I DO BABY =))))))

i LOVE my boyfriend super duper much =))

Saturday, March 28, 2009

finally done with my studies =)
im so happy
and our class had a chalet

and im in charge of booking it
of coz thats the pool terrace 5
hey guys =)
still rmb pool terrace 5
our 4e4 celebration

man i miss those days
and i really miss our chalet
with mr neo

anyway, at the chalet we played treasure hunt
lucky draw
video session
and everyone cried

i LOVE my boyfriend super duper much =))